Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What story does this picture tell?

Today, we will be doing some more creative writing!  I really enjoyed reading your stories from last time about the bear, owl, and fox.  Instead of giving you the characters, problem, and solution this time, I am just going to give you a picture.  Here is the Learning Goal and Success Criteria for creative writing to help guide you.

Learning Goal:  I am writing a story that is from my imagination.

Success Criteria:
- I have a title for my story
- I have included in my story the setting, characters, problem, and solution.
- I have a beginning sentence like "Once upon a time.." or "There once was..."
- I included details to make my story interesting.
- I check my work to make sure it makes sense and that I have included capitals and periods

- I have pictures to help my readers see the story.

Look at this picture and brainstorm what you think the story can be.  You can use the Story Map sheet to help you plan.  After you plan, you can write your story using the Story Outline sheet OR just write it on a piece of lined paper.


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