Thursday, April 16, 2020

Creative Writing

Now that we have reviewed the parts of a story, we are going to move onto our next writing unit, which is creative writing!  When doing creative writing, you are going to use your imagination to create your own story.  Remember that in stories we need: characters, setting, problem, and a solution.  It needs a clear beginning, middle, and ending.  To help you get started, we are going to write a story together.  Using the story map that I gave you yesterday, I have put the setting, characters, problem, and solution for our story.  Your job is to come up with a TITLE and write out the BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END of the story using what I've given you.  You can start with 'Once upon a time...' if you want.  

Learning Goal:  I am writing a story that is from my imagination.

Success Criteria:
- I have a title for my story
- I have included in my story the setting, characters, problem, and solution.
- I have a beginning sentence like "Once upon a time.." or "There once was..."
- I included details to make my story interesting (e.g., HOW did the owl lead them home?  HOW did bear and fox get lost?)
- I check my work to make sure it makes sense and that I have included capitals and periods

You can use the template below to help you or write it on a piece of lined paper.  I can't wait to read your stories!

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