Monday, April 20, 2020

Spelling Poem #29: Pitter Patter Raindrops

April is a tricky month in terms of weather.  Sometimes it's warm, sometimes it's cooler, sometimes it snows, and sometimes it rains.  It is the month where we have to be prepared for all sorts of things!  This week's poem is about the rain in April and how it helps flowers grow.

Spelling Words:
1) raindrops
2) falling
3) from
4) over
5) glow
6) grow
7) flower
8) little
9) begin
10) umbrella

Additional Questions:

1) What is the past tense of the following words?

grow: __________

begin: _________

fall: ___________

*Remember when you are writing about a retell or recount, the events have HAPPENED already.  You need to use the past tense.  You can read over your work to make sure that you have past tense.  For example, it's NOT "Yesterday, I go outside to play.", it IS "Yesterday, I went outside to play."

2)  Fix the following sentences so that they in the past tense.

I am hungry, so I eat an apple. 


I go to my friend's house to play.


I grow taller this year compared to last year.


I do my homework  yesterday night.


3) Raindrop is a compound word, where there are 2 words put together to form 1 word.  Raindrop is made out of ''rain'' and ''drop''.  Come up with 3 more compound words and make a sentence with them.




4) What type of weather do you like the best and why?


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