Thursday, April 9, 2020

Do 3D shapes roll, stack, or slide?

Yesterday we talked about the characteristics of each 3D shape.  Today, we will continue with the describing more characteristics!  Some 3D shapes roll, some stack, and some slide.  Here is a video to explain what each term means:

Now it's your turn to explore!  Remember how we found some 3D shapes around your house?  You can go grab them and see whether or not each 3D shape slides, stacks, or rolls.  Fill in this chart once you know.

FUN CHALLENGE:  When you are finished all of this week's activities, here is a challenge that you can do with 3D shapes.  You have a cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, cone, and pyramid.  With these 5 3D shapes ONLY, build a robot that stands.  Which shapes did you use for the base?  Why?  Take a picture of your robot and share with me!

*NOTE: ALL activities from this week are to be sent to my email by FRIDAY.

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