Friday, April 3, 2020

More Websites

.Yay, you have completed your first week of learning at home.  Sending your work through the comments seem to be a bit tricky for some of if we can all please send your work to me directly through my email that would be great!  You can send it in the form of a document or a picture of your work.  You can also collect your pictures and send to me at the SAME TIME on Fridays. If I don't receive work from you, I will email you.

I will also send out an email by the end of today, so be on the lookout for that!  Thank you for your support and help!

Today, you will have a fun activity to do!  I have here some more websites for you to use when you are finished your work.  You can take today to finish all the activities from this week and look through each website.

Language and Reading

Storyline Online - listen to stories being read

Epic - download and sign-up for access to a

Audible Stories - lots of different books that are available online


FunBrain Math Zone - online math games

Splash Learn - sign-up for access to math problems and programs

IXL - math games for Grade 2 

Also, remember to get in some Movement Breaks!  You can go to these sites to get moving!

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Go Noodle

Or just go to Youtube and type in JUST DANCE!

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