Monday, April 6, 2020

Spelling Poem #27: Spring, Almost

Spring is here, but the weather is up and down.  Although we are self-isolating at home during this period, the weather is slowly becoming more Spring-like and we can get some fresh air in our backyards or balconies.  You can also take a quick walk up and down your street, remembering to keep a good distance between your neighbours if you see them.  Please go over the Spelling Words today and then finish the Additional Questions.  Again, you can save all your work and send them to me by this Friday.

Spelling Words:

1) sunshine
2) bright
3) light
4) fight
5) Spring
6) bring
7) with
8) without
9) indoor
10) outdoor

Additional Questions:

1)  Which words from the spelling list are compound words


2)  Write a sentence with the following words:

with: ______________________________________

bright: _____________________________________

light: _____________________________________

3)  What are some words that are opposites (for example, over and under)?


4)  What does it mean when it says "And again, it's mitten weather."


5)  Now that the weather is getting warmer, write what a nice Spring day will look like for you (e.g., what would you do?  what do you see, hear, feel?)




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