Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Spelling Poem #6: The Leaves on the Trees

I hope we all had a good long weekend!  This week, we have another song for us!  It goes to the tune of "The Wheels of the Bus".  Please remember to study the Spelling words throughout the week, get your Spelling Bees signed, and do any corrections needed.  We have some students who won prizes from my Treasure Chest on Friday!  Keep up the good work!

Spelling Words:

1) yellow
2) orange
3) green
4) turn
5) leaf
6) leaves
7) come
8) came
9) go
10) went

Additional Questions:

1)  What colours do the leaves turn in the fall?   _______________________________

2) What is the plural of leaf (e.g., one leaf, two....)? ______________________

When something has happened already, we use the PAST TENSE.  For example, "I am going to eat the apple." and if it happened already,  ''I already ate the apple.":

 3)  What is the past tense of go? Write a sentence with that word.


4)  What is the past tense of come? Write a sentence with that word.


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