Friday, April 24, 2020

3D shapes math problems


Today is the last day that we are covering 3D shapes since we learned about them before the March Break already.  To end off this unit, I have two 3D shapes math problems for you to solve. You can solve them on a piece of paper.  Here they are:

1) I have 2 3D shapes in my bag.  Together, they have 7 faces and a vertex/point.  What shapes do I have?  How do you know? *Please draw out the shapes for me and explain HOW YOU KNOW those are the shapes.

2) I have some 3D shapes in my basket.  Altogether, they have 8 faces.  What shapes do I have?  How do you know?  *Please draw out the shapes for me and explain HOW YOU KNOW those are the shapes. 

CHALLENGE:  Come up with your own 3D shapes math problem for me. 


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