Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How to wash your hands

Let's review procedural writing!  What better procedure to write than one on how to wash your hands!  It is very important during this time to wash our hands often, especially after you go outside or before eating.  Below is the Learning Goal and Success Criteria for writing procedures.

Learning Goal:  To teach someone how to do something by giving step-by-step instructions.

Success Criteria:
- I have a title for my procedure (e.g., How to....)
- I have listed all the materials needed for my procedure
- I have the numbers for each step.
- I give detailed instruction on how to do something.
- I use words such as first, next, then, last
- I check my work to make sure that it makes sense and that I have included capitals and periods.
- I have included pictures for each step.

You can use this template when writing your procedure, but feel free to use a lined paper. 

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