Thursday, May 21, 2020

Your own Money Story

Did you like the story about Alexander yesterday?  He used to be rich with $1.00, but at the end he didn't have any money left and all he had were bus tokens!  Today, you will get to write your OWN money story!  Everyone can start off with $1.00 and then ends with nothing.  Please show me the steps to see how much money is left each time you lose money.  Be as creative as you can!

Here is my story:

It is my lucky day!  I just found $1.00 on the floor in my car...I'm $1.00 richer!  My husband and I had to go grocery shopping.  I needed 25 cents ($0.25) for the shopping cart.  After, when I returned the shopping cart, the coin was stuck in it!  Ahhh, I just lost 25 cents ($0.25).  I have 75 cents left ($1.00-$0.25=$0.75).  

Then, on our way home, I was feeling hungry.  I asked my husband if we could stop by a Tim Horton's drive through because I wanted a donut.  When it was time to pay, my husband didn't have enough I gave him 15 cents ($0.15).  I have 60 cents left ($0.75-$0.15=$0.60). 

After I had my snack, we went to the mall.  I saw these really cool gumballs in this gumball machine.  They cost 2 quarters, which was 50 cents ($0.50).  I put in the 2 quarters and got a big pink gumball!  I have only 10 cents left ($0.60-$0.50=$0.10).

When we got home, I realized that I dropped my 10 cents ($0.10) somewhere because I couldn't find it!  Now, I don't have anything left!  ($0.10-$0.10=$0).

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