Monday, May 11, 2020

Spelling Poem #32: May

I hope that you all had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.  I am looking forward to calling all of you this week just to say ''HI'' and see how you are doing!  Thank you for all your work last week...we will be working more on making connections and money this week.  For today, I have a poem about May.  

Spelling Words: 
1) month
2) sunshine
3) games
4) spend
5) showers
6) season
7) kite
8) weather
9) mother
10) helpful

Additional Questions:

1) What is your favourite month?  Why?


2)  How do you like spending your days?


3)  What is another word for ''showers''?   ________________

4)  What kind of games can you play outside?


5)  Tell me what you did for your mothers on her special day?


6)  What is the past tense of 'spend'?  Make a sentence with that word.


 7)  What is the past tense of 'play'?  Make a sentence with that word.


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