Friday, May 15, 2020

Campout at the Zoo!

Happy Friday!  Thanks for working hard all week!  This is a long weekend coming up, with Monday being Victoria Day.  I have a super fun activity for you to do over the weekend.  First, the Toronto Zoo is offering a “virtual campout” this weekend.  If you are available at that time, join them by CLICKING HERE.  They have activities from 7:45pm-8:45pm for Saturday and Sunday

Next, visit the Toronto Zoo YouTube page and find an animal that you want to get to know.  There are lots of animals that they introduce you to, from orangutans to rhinos to giraffes!  You are going to pretend you are that animal living at the zoo this weekend.  I want you to write a journal entry about your day as that animal living in the zoo.  What do you do during the day?  What do you do for fun?  What do you eat?  I am excited to see which zoo animal you will be and how life is like as that animal in the zoo!!  Have a wonderful weekend and hope you enjoy your campout at the zoo!

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