Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Persuasive Writing - Your Turn

Yesterday, we read a story about a boy Alex who is trying to convince his mom to get him an iguana.  He did a pretty good job since his mom ended up buying him one.  When you are trying to convince someone, you need really good reasons or else they won't do it.  If you want ice cream, you can't just  tell your parents that you want it because it's sweet.  Instead, you can say ice cream is made out of milk and milk is healthy!  That will sound better and maybe your parents will end up giving it to you.  Now, what is something that you want?  It can be a pet, or a toy, or something to eat.  Brainstorm 3 different good reasons WHY you should get it.

Now, after you've brainstormed your reasons, it's time to write it in a letter.  Remember how to write letters?  You need a date at the top, a greeting, the body, and the closing/signature.  Your reasons will be in the body.   You can write it on a piece of lined paper.  Here is an outline you can follow:


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