Friday, May 22, 2020

Let's Shop!

Happy Friday!  I hope that you all had a good week!  The weather is very nice this weekend...try to get in some exercise and fresh air if you can :)

Let's go shopping today!  I have been doing much more grocery shopping since we are cooking every day at home.  It's fun looking at all the flyers to see what's on sale.  Do you like looking at flyers?  Here are some items at a grocery store:

Come up with 5 different combinations of 2 items that you can buy and the total cost.  When adding the total cost of the items, make sure to line up the decimals.  

For example:
1)  I can buy crackers and cereal.
     Total cost: $1.25 + $4.00 = $5.25 

CHALLENGE:  I am giving you $10.00 to go shopping...for each of your combinations, what is the change that you will get back.  So for my example, my total cost for crackers and cereal is $5.25.  If I give the cashier $10.00, I will get $4.75 back ($10.00 - $5.25 = $4.75).

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