Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Counting Nickels and Dimes

I hope you liked the story yesterday and that you were able to make some good connections!  Today, we will practice counting some coins!  We will start by counting each type of coin separately before mixing the coins up.  Let's start with counting nickels and dimes today.  Since nickels are worth 5¢, you are counting by 5s.  Dimes are worth 10¢, so you are counting by 10s.  Do you remember how to count by 5s and 10s?  This is why I said we need to know how to skip count because it comes in handy in the now! :)

If you need to use actual nickels and dimes to help you count, please ask your parents if they have coins that you can borrow.  If not, you can always cut out circles and label them!  

After you finish counting today, you can play this game with someone in your family.  You need: dimes, nickels, and a dice.  Take turns rolling the dice and for the number you roll, you can pick that amount in either nickels OR in dimes.  For example, if you roll a 3, you can pick either 3 nickels OR 3 dimes.  The first person to reach 100¢ is the winner.  You can play again, but change it so that the first person to reach 100¢ loses as well!  Have fun!

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