Monday, May 25, 2020

Spelling Poem #34: My Spring Garden

This weekend was pretty nice and warm!  I hope that you got to go outside for a little bit of fresh air.  If you go out to the parks or in your neighbour hood, remember to practice social distancing.  We can all have fun while staying safe :)

I have a poem for you called “My Spring Garden”.  Have you noticed that a lot of flowers and trees are starting to bloom and bud?  The warmer weather means that plants are growing again!  Are you growing anything in your garden?  I am trying to grow some herbs...this is what I have so far...they started from seeds!  As you can seem I’m growing sweet basil, parsley, and chives.  I cant wait for them to get bigger!  

Photo by My Tryventures in Toronto, Ontario. Image may contain: plant

Here is the poem and Additional Questions.

Spelling Words:
1) garden
2) seeds
3) little
4) clouds
5) round
6) sleepy
7) rake
8) handy
9) warm
10) grow

Additional Questions:

1) What is another word for “sow”?

2) Which tools are being used to garden in the poem?


3) What does it mean “Little plants will wake up soon, and lift their sleepy heads.”?  What is happening?


4) Make a sentence with the following words:

warm: ________________________________________________

round: ________________________________________________

clouds: _______________________________________________

sleepy: ________________________________________________

grow: __________________________________________________

5) If you had your own garden, what seeds would you plant in it and why?


BONUS: Plants need water to grow.  Do you remember the water cycle?  Draw it out for me!

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