Tuesday, May 12, 2020

More Connections

Last week, we made connections to the story ''The Relatives Came".  We all made really good text-to-self and text-to-text connections.  However, many of us were stuck on text-to-world connections.  When thinking about text-to-world connections, you can think about things that are happening in the community.  You can think about maybe something you saw on TV, heard on the radio, or read in the newspaper.  Does the story remind you of anything that is in the real world?  For example, when the relatives were driving, they saw strange houses.  This reminds me of the houses in Italy that I saw on the news.  They seem a bit different than the ones we see here in Toronto.

Here is an example of all 3 connections:

Today, we will be practicing connections again with the story, 'Koala Lou', by Mem Fox.  In this story, Koala Lou was feeling sad because her mom was busy taking care of her siblings.  She came up with a plan to get her mom to notice her.

Please fill out the following chart again.

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