Friday, June 26, 2020

Have a WONDERFUL summer!

Congratulations on finishing Grade 2!  You have all tried your best and I am very proud of all the work that you have done this year.  All of you have learnt so much and it was wonderful teaching you!  Have a very SAFE and FUN summer!  Wishing you all the best in Grade 3!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Last Day!

You made it to the last day of school!!!  HIP HIP HURRAY!  I am so proud of each and every one of you for finishing Grade 2!  You all did an amazing job in school and all worked very hard and I will miss all of you!  Have a wonderful summer and stay safe!  What are some things you would like to do this summer?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Grade 2 Memories

Tomorrow is the last day of school!  What were some of your memories of this year?  It was definitely not a regular school year, but there were some good times!  Remember the story I read at the beginning of the year called 'First Day Jitters'?  Today, I have a story by the same author called 'Last Day Blues'.  When you are done listening to the story, write down some of your memories!

Fraction Games

How did you do on yesterday's fraction colouring?  Here are some online games that you can play to practice your fractions!




Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Imagine that you have a whole pizza and you divide it into 8, you ate 3 pieces.  How much of the whole pizza did you eat?  You ate 3/8!  This is a FRACTION!  Today, we will be learning about fractions and how we write them.  For fractions, there is always a numerator and denominator.  Watch this video to learn more:

Now, you are going to practice colouring in your own fractions!  The following circles are already divided have to colour in the right amounts.  Here are 2 examples:

There are 5 parts in total, so it goes on the bottom (denominator).  3 is coloured it, so it goes on the top (numerator).
This one has the same denominator because it is still divided into 5 parts.  However, only 1 is coloured in, so 1 goes on the top (numerator).

Now try it for yourself:

Monday, June 22, 2020

Probability Answers

I hope you liked our unit on Probability.  Here are the answers to last week's activities.  There are more than one answer to the number of jellybeans...did you get all of them?

Spelling Poem #38: I Love Summer!

Summer is almost here!  We are into the last week of school!  I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by despite not being able to see you all at school for the last half!  Thank you for all your hard work at home!

Here is the LAST poem of the year and your LAST 'Additional Questions' this week! :)

Spelling Words:

1) love
2) summer
3) shade
4) ride
5) water
6) grass
7) tree
8) sunny
9) sky
10) sunny

Additional Questions:

1)  What does ''morn'' mean? 


2)  Make a sentence with the following words:

grass: ____________________________________________

water: __________________________________________

tree: ___________________________________________

3)  What words in the poem rhyme?  ____________________

4)  Tell me what ''dew'' is made out of. 


5)  What are you most looking forward to in the summer?
