Monday, November 4, 2019

Spelling Poem #9: NOvember

Here is our first poem in November!  It's called NOvember and it's about all the things that are disappearing this season.  The days are getting shorter and the weather is turning colder.  Remember to dress for the weather!  Also, it was daylight savings this weekend, so your clocks should be set back an hour!

Spelling Words:
1) no
2) light

3) soon
4) dark
5) lot
6) not
7) rain
8) sun
9) again
10) remember 

Here are the Additional Questions this week:

Additional Questions:

1)  Which spelling words are opposites?   

_____________     ______________

2)  What does November NOT have?


3)  Which words are in the ''-ot'' word family?

_____________     ______________

5)  What do you like about this season?


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