Monday, November 11, 2019

Spelling Poem #10: Little Poppy

November 11th is Remembrance Day.  It is a day where we honour and remember all the soldiers who fought for us and gave us peace.  This week's poem is about the poppies that we wear.  We will have our Remembrance Day assembly today.  


Spelling words:

1) help
2) wear
3) as
4) be
5) free
6) me
7) show
8) those
9) these
10) poppy

Thank you again to those who finished their "Additional Questions" from last week!  Here are the questions from this week.

Additional Questions:

1)  What other words are in the same word family as ''me'' and ''be''?
____________       ____________      

2)  Make a sentence with the word:

wear: _________________________________________________

help:  _________________________________________________

3)  Why do we wear poppies on Remembrance Day?


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