Monday, March 30, 2020

Spelling Poem #26: Look in a Book

Welcome back to the classroom blog!  I hope everyone got my email about learning online.  I will be posting different lessons and activities for us on the blog, so please remember to check back every day!  Comments are also now TURNED ON.  You can submit certain activities (like Additional Questions) through the comments section.  Please remember to put your name when commenting.  If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or email me directly.  Thank you for your support!

To start us off, we will be continuing our weekly poems.  This week, I have a poem about books!  There are many types of books that you can read...pick your favourite book and share with your family!  Remember to read EVERY day, including the weekend!  Please practice the Spelling Words, but unfortunately, we would not be able to have Spelling Bee.  Complete your Additional Questions and submit it through the comments OR you can write it on a piece of paper and take a picture to send to me through my email. 

Spelling Words:

1) book
2) look
3) words
4) find
5) know
6) help
7) grow
8) reading
9) imagination
10) library

Additional Questions:

1)  Tell me the words that rhyme in the Spelling list.


2)  Fill in the missing letters:

_ e _ d _ _ g

f _ _ d

_ n o _

_ _ l p

w _ _ _ s

3) Make a sentence with the following words:

imagination: ____________________________________________________

library: ________________________________________________________

grow: _________________________________________________________

4)  What is your favourite book of all time?  Why is that your favourite book?


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