Monday, March 2, 2020

Spelling Poem #24: March Wind

Here is this week's poem and the Spelling Words.  Hopefully Spring is on its way and all the rain, wind, and chilliness will go away! 

Spelling Words:

1) turn
2) each
3) blow
4) inside
5) outside
6) little
7) wake
8) call
9) ear
10) jolly

Additional Questions:

1)  What does ''jolly'' mean? ____________

2)  Can you write a sentence with the word ''jolly''? 


3)  What does it mean when the March wind likes to ''joke and play''?


4)  Compound Words are words that are made up of two words.  For example, ''butterfly'' is a compound word because it is made out of ''butter'' and ''fly''.  Can you find some compound words in the Spelling Words?

5)  Write some words that rhyme with "call". 

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