Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Spelling Poem #22: A Chubby Little Snowman

There has been some snow on the ground and snow is great to make snowmen!  Here's a funny poem about a chubby little snowman.

Spelling Words:

1) little

2) along
3) hungry
4) snowman
5) lunch
6) crunch
7) bunny
8) funny
9) carrot
10) rabbit

Additional Questions:

1)  What are the synonyms (words that mean the same) of:

fat: _______________

bunny: _____________

small: _____________ 

2)  Describe how the snowman was feeling when the rabbit ate his nose.


3)  We all know now how to make a snowman.  Can you write me a procedure on how to make a snow angel?  Remember what you need in a procedure (Title, Materials, Steps using order words such as First, Next, Then, Again, Finally). 

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