Monday, February 10, 2020

Spelling Poem #21: Love is

This week's poem is about love in the spirit of Valentine's Day on February 14th!  However, we should remember to show those around us that we love them every day :)

Spelling Words:

1) love
2) feeling
3) great
4) what
5) feel
6) each
7) smile
8) emotion
9) keep
10) strong

Additional Questions:

1)  Make a sentence with the following words:



strong: _______________________________________

2)  What words rhyme with feel?

____________     ____________

3)  What is the past tense of:

feel: ______________

like: ______________

keep: _____________

4) Showing someone that you love and care about them should not just be on Valentine's Day.  How can you show someone you love them every day?  (e.g., I can show my parents that I love them by helping around the house.).


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