Monday, September 30, 2019

Spelling Poem #4: October

I can't believe that we are already in the month of October!  Boys and girls are settling into the routines of Grade 2 and the pace of learning is picking up.  Please remember to sign the 'Spelling Bee' books and do your corrections.  Continue to read your book and RAZ kids.     

The poem for this week is called ''October".  Please do the Additional Questions on a piece of paper (or in your Agenda) and bring them to school!  You have all week to do them.

Spelling Words:

1) when
2) who
3) what
4) where
5) why
6) how
7) make
8) down
9) up
10) are

Additional Questions:

1)  When you think of October, what are some colours that you think of?

2)  What do you like to do in the Fall?

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