Monday, September 9, 2019

First Poem of the Year - I Can

Starting this week, we will have a new poem each week!  For each poem, there are Spelling Words that you will need to learn.  We will have a Spelling Bee every Friday.  This is to help you when you are writing and reading.  Remember to read the poem and study the words each week! For the next  few weeks, some of the words are a review from Grade 1, let's see if we remember them!  

There are also ''Additional Questions'' that I will give you with each poem, please try to do them on a piece of paper during the week and bring them in for me for a sticker prize!  

Here is the first poem of the school year!  It is called ''I Can''.  Please read the poem together and practice the spelling words for this Friday's Spelling Bee.

Here are our spelling words this week:

1) I
2) can
3) of 
4) do
5) we
6) have
7) you
8) run
9) fun

Additional Question: 

1)  What are some things that you can do?  Talk about it with your family and write them down.  Remember to spend some time doing the things that you like to do.

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