Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tell me about your March Break!

Boys and girls have had an extended March Break and I cannot wait to hear what you did so far!  Although many places had to close, how did you spend your time?  Did you go for a walk with your family?  Did you do some exercises at home?  Please pick something you would like to write about and let me know in a recountYou can type it in the comments OR write it on a piece of paper and take a picture of it to send to my email.  To get a Level 4, draw a picture as well!  Remember, when writing a recount, you need your 5 Ws and then the key words: First, Next, Then, Last.  Here are the success criteria posters that we made together to help remind you:

Monday, March 30, 2020

Spelling Poem #26: Look in a Book

Welcome back to the classroom blog!  I hope everyone got my email about learning online.  I will be posting different lessons and activities for us on the blog, so please remember to check back every day!  Comments are also now TURNED ON.  You can submit certain activities (like Additional Questions) through the comments section.  Please remember to put your name when commenting.  If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or email me directly.  Thank you for your support!

To start us off, we will be continuing our weekly poems.  This week, I have a poem about books!  There are many types of books that you can read...pick your favourite book and share with your family!  Remember to read EVERY day, including the weekend!  Please practice the Spelling Words, but unfortunately, we would not be able to have Spelling Bee.  Complete your Additional Questions and submit it through the comments OR you can write it on a piece of paper and take a picture to send to me through my email. 

Spelling Words:

1) book
2) look
3) words
4) find
5) know
6) help
7) grow
8) reading
9) imagination
10) library

Additional Questions:

1)  Tell me the words that rhyme in the Spelling list.


2)  Fill in the missing letters:

_ e _ d _ _ g

f _ _ d

_ n o _

_ _ l p

w _ _ _ s

3) Make a sentence with the following words:

imagination: ____________________________________________________

library: ________________________________________________________

grow: _________________________________________________________

4)  What is your favourite book of all time?  Why is that your favourite book?


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Update: School Closures

I hope all of you and your families have been doing well over the past few weeks.  The government has issued an update regarding school closures...it seems that we will NOT be going back to school April 6.  It is unclear as to when school will resume, but I will email all of you shortly in regards to how we will proceed with our learning.  In the meantime, take care and stay safe!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Happy March Break!

March Break is here!  There were lots of suggestions on my newsletter of places to go over March Break...some of them including the ROM, Ontario Science Centre, and the Public Library.  Remember to read and go on RAZ-kids!  At the moment, schools will be closed for 2 more weeks, which means school will resume on April 6.  However, please pay attention to the news, as there are ongoing developments with Covid-19.  Have a wonderful break everyone!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Countries and Communities Around the World

In Social Studies, we are learning about communities around the world and how where we are on Earth affects our environment.  If we are close to the equator, the place we live will be very hot.  If we live at the Arctic and Antarctic zones, the place we live will be very cold.  There are also places that are very rainy and dry.  We will be doing a research project on a country of our choice and comparing it to where we live - Canada!

Click HERE for the link to the different countries.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Spelling Poem #25: St. Patrick's Day

It will be St. Patrick's Day on March 17thHow many of you celebrated it?  St. Patrick's day is an Irish celebration.  Originated in the country of Ireland, people usually wear green shamrocks on their jackets and hats.  Four-leafed clovers are supposed to be very lucky, so if you find one, make sure to treasure it! 

Spelling Words:
1) pick
2) tick
3) look
4) green
5) best
6) book
7) cook
8) wear
9) some
10) try

Additional Questions:

1)  Write a sentence with the following words:

 wear: ____________________________________________

 some: ___________________________________________

green: ____________________________________________

2)  What is the synonym of ''jig"?  ____________

3)  When you think of St. Patrick's Day, what do you think of?


4) Which words are in the same word family (HINT: there are 2 different word families here).  



Wednesday, March 4, 2020


When reading, good readers need to visualize in their heads what they are reading.  The picture changes as you get more information from what you are reading.  Today we listened to a funny short description and drew our visualizations.  

Here is the story:

I saw a man with a big big nose;
and spikey hair;
and long, long, toes.

He had bells on his fingers,
and bells on his feet,
and he went DING-A-LING,
up and down the street.
Here are some of our visualizations:

Monday, March 2, 2020

Spelling Poem #24: March Wind

Here is this week's poem and the Spelling Words.  Hopefully Spring is on its way and all the rain, wind, and chilliness will go away! 

Spelling Words:

1) turn
2) each
3) blow
4) inside
5) outside
6) little
7) wake
8) call
9) ear
10) jolly

Additional Questions:

1)  What does ''jolly'' mean? ____________

2)  Can you write a sentence with the word ''jolly''? 


3)  What does it mean when the March wind likes to ''joke and play''?


4)  Compound Words are words that are made up of two words.  For example, ''butterfly'' is a compound word because it is made out of ''butter'' and ''fly''.  Can you find some compound words in the Spelling Words?

5)  Write some words that rhyme with "call".