Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Spelling Poem #18: Snowball

Since it's really snowy this weekend, I decided to give you a funny poem this week about this boy wanting to keep a snowball for a pet.  Enjoy!

Spelling Words:

1) make
2) made
3) can
4) could
5) think
6) thought
7) away
8) keep
9) snowball
10) myself

Additional Questions:

1)  What really happened to the snowball?


2)  ''made'' is the past tense of ''make'''.  You use past tense when you have already done the activity. For example: "I will make a cake for my mom." and "I made a cake for my mom yesterday." Make a sentence with the following words, remembering to use the PAST tense for the second and fourth words.

can: _____________________________________________

could:  _____________________________________________

think: ______________________________________________

thought:  ____________________________________________

3)  If you were allowed to have a pet, what kind of pet would you get?  Why?


4)  Other than a snowman, what else can you make with snowballs?


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